According to Columbia professor Dr. Carl Hart, Adderall is the crystal meth of the prescription drug game. At least, that’s how the brain figures it.

In a blog post on Dr. Hart’s website, he explains how the effects of both drugs on the brain are eerily similar. Dr. Hart’s research on the two drugs concluded that both led to participants feeling increased energy, enhanced focus/concentration abilities, and a higher blood pressure and heart rate.

The similarities are likely due to the molecular structure. Adderall has an additional methyl group, whereas meth’s makeup does not.

Despite the questionable similarities, there is one primary difference between the two drugs. According to Dr. Hart, that difference is public perception. Dr. Hart links the negative connotations associated with crystal meth and more positive perceptions towards Adderall with media campaigns designed to incite fear. Dr. Hart cites meth mouth, addiction, and manic behaviors as favored tactics utilized by media to demonize meth.

Meanwhile, Adderall is nicely packaged and distributed by school nurses and general physicians to neighbors, friends, and family.

However, Dr. Hart’s breakthrough research was not done in order to legitimize crystal meth and demonize Adderall. Instead, he hopes to re-educate the public with hard evidence. And in turn, perhaps bring attention to the problems with big pharma.

On the bright side, taking Adderall (probably) won’t give you meth mouth.

Image via: KDVR


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