UT coach Butch Jones needs to understand that supporting rape culture is wrong. According to ESPN, Jones verbally assaulted WR Drae Bowles, for helping a sexual assault victim. Football players are named as the attackers and Jones called Bowles a “traitor” for coming to the aid of the female student. She was allegedly attacked right before Bowles found her in the bushes, crying.
Jones Is The Real Traitor
Jones called Bowles a “traitor” berating him in front of his teammates. Bowles proved himself a humanitarian in one act. He’s the kind of guy you want on your side. Instead of giving Bowle a fist-pound for a “good guy” deed Bowle’s teammate Curt Maggitt, jumped him.
Sexual Violence Is A Growing Problem
Sexual and partner violence against women often goes unpunished. In athletic programs players are often protected and the woman slut-shamed. The unnamed woman is standing up for herself. Wednesday, an amended complaint was filed in a Title IX lawsuit against the university.
A coach is supposed to lead the team by example. This sets a very poor example. Can the bar be any lower? The message here seems to be, “We’re ball players. We take what we want. If you dare stand up against us getting groove on, we’ll crush you too.”
The pending lawsuit needs to happen. The real message has to be that rape and “taking what one wants” are not acceptable. Ever.
Ending Rape Culture
Rape culture gives an approving nod to sexual violence and assault. It renders victims as “objects” to be used. Schools that allow sexual assault to occur, while turning a blind eye towards violence for the sake of “protecting” sports teams should be continuously hit with lawsuits–from tuition paying women. Nobody wants to pay tuition and then find themselves on the receiving end of school sanctioned abuse.
Butch Jones has missed an enormous opportunity to teach his team about accountability. He’s telling his players that rape is, “okay.” By deciding to “verbally thrash” Bowles for doing the right thing, Jones has shown us everything that is wrong with rape culture in collegiate sports.
Featured Image by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District via Flickr, available under a Creative Commons license.