New Era Detroit (NED) is a fast growing Detroit community-based organization that represents the “New” Black Power. Members are activists grounded in black consciousness and love. The schools are broken and jobs are few. Housing options sucks and paychecks are too short. On top of that, We Can’t Breathe!
NED is comprised of women, men, and a growing number of youth who want to see a Detroit where black people can thrive. NED members are watching out and stand committed, to protecting the women and children in the Motor City. This includes the elderly and babies, the most vulnerable among us. The mission statement for NED reads:
“New Era Detroit (NED) is an organization formed to restore black unity in black communities in Detroit as well as across the nation. UNITY IS THE KEY!”
New Era Detroit: Watching Out And Building Communities
They shared with WXYZ that the Detroit branch is going to “protect” women and children from heinous rapes and disappearances. New Era, has been taking to the streets not only in Detroit, but in Atlanta and Chicago as well. The movement is growing. For many, this is the time to get involved and make a difference. NED presents an opportunity for people to be a part of strengthening neighborhoods, and building community.
Help Protect Neighborhoods: Volunteer With NED
NED is looking for 500 additional volunteers to assist with security as children come and go to school, as well as in late night hours. One NED volunteer said:
“We can’t just talk about it all the time. We need to do something and we need to be consistent.”
I Support New Era Detroit As A Black Woman And Mother
Personally, I applaud the efforts of NED. They are concerned with the number of black women and children, “gone missing” in this country. NewsOne reports that there are over 64,000 missing black women right now, and nobody has been particularly concerned. As I deal with that truth I’m reminded of the NED pledge:
“The goal of this self-funded effort is to cover every neighborhood in the city.”
Praise For New Era Detroit
That’s worth some “Whoosaa!” praise. I can’t tell you the last time I heard of anyone other than black women stand up for black women. NED is self-sufficient (no government funding). Of course donations are appreciated.
I may not get the Detroit of my youth back (I’m a 70’s kid), but we can certainly do more to ensure that kids are women are safe. Thank you NED!
Featured Image is by Ray Dumas, available under a Creative Commons 2.0 license.