There are many things about my state, Alabama, that I love. But Roy Moore is not one of them.

Roy Moore is the Chief Justice of the Alabama state Supreme Court. He became (in)famous for his refusal to move the Ten Commandments monument at the court house. He is also famous for saying a bunch of idiotic and bigoted stuff. Here is just a sampling:

1. First Amendment Doesn’t Include Islam And Buddhism

Talking about the First Amendment:

“Buddha didn’t create us. Muhammad didn’t create us. It’s the God of the Holy Scriptures.”

Yes, because there is only one religion. Great job, Roy! You’ve just pissed off not just one, but TWO religions.

2. Not One Nation, But 50 States

A Christian website quoted him…I’m not surprised:

“America is not just one nation under God, she is also 50 sovereign states under God.”

50 Sovereign States?  Let’s not get into states’ rights again, Roy.

3. He Doesn’t Know About Separation Of Church And State

Another tidbit of idiocy from the same website:

“Separation of church and state was never meant to separate God and government.”

That’s exactly what separation of church and state is, Roy.

4. His Dumb Moves After The Gay Marriage Ruling

After the gay marriage ruling in June, Roy Moore refused to follow it. In other words, he refused to do HIS JOB because he doesn’t agree.

Speaking to judges that were issuing gay marriage licenses, Moore says the FEDERAL ruling “does not bind them.” So, he was telling his judges not to follow the Supreme Court ruling.

5. More Gay Marriage Stupidity

When Moore was asked if he feels his anti-gay marriage was on the wrong side of history:

“Absolutely not. Do they stop with one man and one man or one woman and one woman? Or do they go to multiple marriages? Or do they go to marriages between men and their daughters or women and their sons?”

Yes, because gay marriage totally leads to incest, Roy. Great idea.

6. Schools Teaching Evolution

Shocker! Roy Moore is also against teaching evolution in schools:

“Free argument and debate will always come out on the side of truth. So if you cut off free argument of debate then error survives and becomes dangerous. You see that in our schools with the teaching of evolution. That is exactly what has gone all the way up to the highest level of our government.

“The President of the United States talks about his evolving standards, well, when you got evolving standards you don’t have any standards at all to begin with because truth is fixed, when your standard is truth it is not going to change but we see it changing seemingly with our government.”

7. Going Against SCOTUS

Roy Moore had more to say about the gay marriage ruling right before it came down:

“This power over marriage which came from God under our organic law is not to be redefined by the United States Supreme Court or any federal court.”

Sorry, Roy the Supreme Court has the last say on your rulings. He even said he wanted SCOTUS Justices Ginsberg and Kaden impeached.

8. Comparing Marriage Equality Ruling To The Holocaust

Yes, he really compared those:

“Could I do this if I were in Nuremberg [at the war crimes trials after World War II], say that I was following the orders of the highest authority to kill Jews? … Could I say I was ordered to do so?”

When the interviewer said Nuremburg was about killing people, not about gay marriage, Roy replied, “Is there a difference?”

Seriously, Roy? Gay marriage does not equate with KILLING people!

9. Unveiling The Ten Commandments Monument

Here is what Moore said at the unveiling of the monument:

 “Today a cry has gone out across our land for the acknowledgement of that God upon whom this nation and our laws were founded….May this day mark the restoration of the moral foundation of law to our people and the return to the knowledge of God in our land.“ 

How many times is he going to say this?! We are not a Christian nation.

10. Removing The Ten Commandments Monument

Here is the thing he is most known for…not wanting to move his Ten Commandments monument outside the court house:

“It is a sad day in our country when the moral foundation of our law and the acknowledgment of God has to be hidden from public view to appease a federal judge”

Newsflash Roy: We are not a theocracy. You religious monument doesn’t belong at a courthouse.

Featured image is a screencap from video.


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