So Much Win! Mexican Restaurants (Finally) Hit Back Against Trump

Two Mexican restaurants in Texas have hit back against Trump’s racist rhetoric. Taco Cabana has put up a sign saying:

“We stand with our fellow Mexican restaurants in thier [sic] efforts against hateful speech. We will also no longer be serving people who display support for the views of presidential candidate Donald Trump. You cant [sic] have your taco and eat it too.”

Similarly Mama Margie’s has put up this sign:

“Please note: Due to his consistent disparaging comments directed towards Mexicans. We will no longer be serving Donald Trump supporters or sympathizers.”

Taco Cabana has said that it is a prank with this tweet:

 “It’s a Prank being played at certain stores.. If you need more details please call 1-877-725-2345 Thank you!”

This is not the first time Hispanic groups have come out against Trump. There was the case of a microbrewery in Chicago that used to do business at Trump Tower. They have since ended their relationship with Trump’s business because of his racist hate speech. Trump’s (in)famous words against Mexican Americans include this quote:

“They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

There is also his plan to build a wall at the Mexico-American border. He even took a jab at Jeb Bush’s Mexican-born wife. Here is a story about a Mexican construction worker firing back at Trump’s nasty comments.

Trump also had supporters beat up a Hispanic man in his name, and all he said was that his followers are “passionate.” He kicked Jorge Ramos, a respected journalist, out of one of his rallies.

Trump’s rallies are full of hate rhetoric toward Hispanic people, Black people, women, and other groups. These signs at the Mexican restaurants may have been pranks, but we wouldn’t blame them if they put up those signs for real.

Featured image by Michael Vadon via, available under Creative Commons 2.0 license.

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