After the fake Planned Parenthood tapes came out, many states had investigations into the videos. Some states have defunded Planned Parenthood completely because of these doctored videos.
The state of Florida has proposed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood and are leaving sex education in the hands of school nurses. The conservatives gave a list of places that women can go for Pap Smears, contraception, and other reproductive health services. The bill is headed to the governor; hopefully, he will veto it.
The list included several dentist’s offices, elementary schools, and one optometry center. Women on Medicaid would no longer be able to get health services at Planned Parenthood clinics.
The bill would prohibit state-funded organizations from working with clinics that provide abortions except in cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother’s life.
According to the “Planned Parenthood v. Casey” ruling, states are allowed to restrict it, but they can’t place an “undue burden” on women seeking the procedure. Unfortunately, the ruling is a little vague on what constitutes an “undue burden.”
Florida is not the only one joining this party. In Louisiana, Bobby Jindal was jumping on to the “Defund Planned Parenthood Train” in September. Louisiana made use of a state law allowing them to cancel Medicaid contracts. The case went up to Federal courts.
In Ohio, Republicans suggested that we get our healthcare at food banks. Yes, you read that right…food banks! Ohio circulated a similar list of alternative health providers. The list also includes dentists, senior centers, and addiction treatment centers.
Yes, ladies! Next time you need a pap smear or an STD test, go get it done with your teeth cleaning. Or better yet, get a pregnancy test the next time you donate canned goods. So, now women in these states who are already having trouble affording healthcare will have to travel further for it. These restrictions are ridiculous!
Featured image by Charlotte Cooper via, available via Creative Commons 2.0 license.