Does Trump Have What It Takes to Lead?

Recently, America has begun to see the man behind the curtain – less ‘Trump the mogul’ and more ‘Drumpf the man.’

He continues to flip-flop on issues such as supporting the GOP candidate regardless of who it is.

He spews lies – over 70% of his statements  are false.

He proudly encourages violence.

He is racist, sexist, and ableist.

His businesses seem to fail.

And yet, none of these issues represent the biggest reason why he should not become the President of the United States: lack of experience.

The fact that Trump has NO political experience whatsoever should be far more frightening. Even the most commonly cited politically inexperienced presidents – Grant, Cleveland, Eisenhower, Wilson, and GW Bush – had more political experience than Trump.

Those that didn’t have direct political experience, Grant and Eisenhower, were war heroes with extensive military backgrounds. Unless we count fighting in the ‘War on Christmas‘ or his feud with Rosie O’Donnell, the Donald hasn’t fought in any battles.

Perhaps more concerning is how Trump runs his businesses – hiring illegal immigrants over American citizens, outsourcing, withholding payment for services rendered, and more.

Are these qualities we really want in our next leader?

Featured Image via Pixabay, available under a Creative Commons license.

Kirsten Schultz is a writer and chronic illness guru living in Madison, Wisconsin. Her undergraduate degree is in religious studies with a double minor in history and politics. However, during her first go of graduate school, she fell extremely ill and had to drop out. She now shares her musings on living with chronic illness at her site Not Standing Still's Disease, writes about how illness affects Quality of Life (QoL) issues at Chronic Sex and Creaky Joints, and runs a weekly chat on QoL issues Thursday nights on Twitter.