“Sabato’s Crystal Ball” is a blog at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics and they have an interesting history: they correctly predict elections. Lots of them. For example, in 2008, they correctly predicted with 100% accuracy every Senate and gubernatorial race in the U.S.
Sooooo….what about this year’s presidential election?
Their latest prediction is that the GOP is going to lose in the 2016 presidential election, with Hillary Clinton edging out Donald Trump.
- Trump garners only 191 electoral votes of the 270 required to win
- Clinton takes 347 electoral votes.

Of course, we’ve seen other predictions from people who are “never wrong.” And the analysts at Sabato’s Crystal Ball even point out that November is a long way away. So who knows? But it’s fun to speculate, and we vote blue no matter who (and you should, too!).
For more info on their methodolgy, check out their blog.
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