The Pledge of Allegiance is a hot button issue with some right-wingers. Ben Carson claimed that the fact that “One Nation Under God” is in the pledge means we are a Christian nation. That’s a big no there, Doctor! Many people that come to America from other countries think its weird that our children have to recite this every morning in school. I was surprised to learn that not every right-wing fundie likes the pledge.

A pastor in Arizona, Steven Anderson, of the Faithful Word Baptist Church has a very strange reason for not liking the pledge. He somehow connected the pledge to the gay marriage ruling. The pastor had this to say about it in a recent sermon:

“I’m not going to sit there and swear allegiance to that flag of the United States of America no matter how perverted our nation becomes. Even when our nation just openly says, ‘June, we’re celebrating sodomy.'”

He is referring to the month of June which Obama declared to be LGBT Pride Month. He is so obsessed with other people’s love lives that he is turning his back on our country’s pledge. Why is he obsessed with this sex act? It’s ridiculous! If you don’t like it, don’t do it! Simple!

Here is another bigoted statement from this pastor’s ranty sermon:

“I don’t want anything to do with sodomy. It’s wicked. I don’t want anything to do with abortion. I don’t want anything to do with the things that our country is starting to stand for. I don’t want anything to do with trying to take over and occupy the whole world with military bases. I don’t want to do that. I don’t want any part of that. That’s the New World Order. That’s a one world government. It doesn’t stand for anything that I stand for.”

I don’t know how he connected sodomy to abortions either. This dude needs to work on his logic. Thankfully, it was a short ranty sermon. You can see the whole thing below. Warning: may cause LOTS of face-palming!

Featured image via Twitter.