Oklahoma has completely lost it now. They are trying to pass a law to outlaw ALL abortions. The bill would revoke the medical licenses of any doctors that provide abortion unless the woman’s life is in danger or if she has suffered a miscarriage. This is OBVIOUSLY unconstitutional, and will likely spark legal battles.
One lawmaker has dismissed this concern saying that “God will pay” for their legal battles. Rep. David Brumbaugh says that the $1.3 billion deficit will be solved by God. about the abortion law, he said:
“If we take care of the morality, God will take care of the economy.”
That’s not how money works. It doesn’t appear out of anywhere. It is going to the Senate one more time, and then it will head to the governor’s desk. In 2011, they tried to pass a law outlying drug-induced abortions, and the state Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. So, that is likely to happen with this law as well.
Reuters says that Governor Mary Fallin has not indicated whether she will sign the bill or not. The legislative council at the Center For Reproductive Rights says:
“Oklahoma politicians have made it their mission year after year to restrict women’s access vital health care services, yet this total ban on abortion is a new low.”
That group, among others, are promising to challenge the law if it gets passed.
Brumbaugh had this to say about that:
“I’ve heard almost every argument today about judicial challenge to this legislation and after much prayer and study, I ask myself this question. Do we make laws because they’re moral and right, or do we make them based on what an unelected judicial occupant might question or overturn?”
How did this guy get into Congress? The Judicial branch is meant to provide checks on things that Congress passes. Did he forget his middle school civics classes? As if this wasn’t bad enough, he compared outlawing abortion to outlawing slavery, passing the Civil Rights Act, and passing the 19th Amendment.
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