Illma Gore did a painting of Donald Trump naked. Then she faced death threats and a lawsuit from someone claiming to work for Trump’s campaign. This may be caused by the fact that she painted Trump with a micropenis. Trump is very sensitive about that area since he talked about it in a national presidential debate.

Gore defended the piece, saying:

“No matter what is in your pants, you can still be a big pr*ck.

Even Facebook has threatened legal action over copyright laws.

She couldn’t find any galleries in the U.S. that would show it, but it got bids of over $140,000 when she displayed it in a gallery in London.

Now, the controversy has gone a step further. Gore was physically assaulted by some Trump supporters:

She was travelling back home to Los Angeles from London when someone at the airport yelled “Trump 2016!” and punched her in the face. She may have to flee the country to get away from these a-holes.

You can follow the artist on her Instagram account.

Here is what she said about the incident:

“Today I was punched in the face by a man who got out of his car and yelled, ‘Trump 2016!’ in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house. Though I encourage passion, opinion and emotion, especially through art, I think violence is disgusting.

“To live in a place where Facebook has given my address to an anonymous third party makes me feel like I am homeless again. This type of violence makes creatives feel like we live in a world where our individual creative input isn’t safe. I am sad that this is the state of our America right now. I am sad that Trump, and many of his supporters, don’t find words enough to express their opinions – they need walls, waterboarding and punches. @realdonaldtrump Please stop glamorizing and perpetuating violence. Make America Decent Again!”

This is just a preview of how our freedom of expression may be quashed by a Trump presidency. Freedom of speech is very important and should not be taken away just because someone else doesn’t like it!

NSFW: The painting is censored.

Here is an interview with Gore:

Featured image via YouTube.

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