On Monday morning’s edition of CNN’s “New Day,” it didn’t take Donald Trump long to show just what a crybaby he is. After every news channel ran footage of Trump going after Hillary Clinton and her husband, it would make sense that CNN’s Chris Cuomo would bring it up.

Image via Video.

Rather than address the issue straight on like an adult, Trump immediately turned into his pathetic narcissistic self. Cuomo started the interview like this:

“We need to talk policy, we need to talk the state of play within your own party, but you have commanded a different headline that needs to be addressed. You are attacking Hillary Clinton for the sexual past and indiscretions of her husband, calling her an enabler. We have a panel of independent voters, they are smart as heck, and most of them don’t like it. They see it as a distraction, they see it as hypocritical coming from you, and mostly they see it as potential proof that you may have no real ideas to offer as President. What is your thinking on this line of attack?”

While these are all valid points, and Cuomo even gave Trump a chance to explain, typical Trump decided to deflect the question by saying:

“Well this is a nice way to start off the interview. First of all, you should congratulate me for having won the race. I thought, you know there’d be at least a small congratulations, but I’m not surprised with CNN because that’s the way they treat Trump. It’s the, you know they call it the Clinton network and I believe that.”

With Trump starting with his usual self-righteous rant, Cuomo interrupted him not 20-seconds into the interview by saying:

“Wait, hold on, hold on, Mr. Trump I did congratulate you the last time we spoke. I said congratulations on winning the big race, what are you going to do going forward.”

After this, the rest was just an exchange of Trump arguing pathetic semantics. He eventually did start to answer some question but with the same type of whiny attitude some people have come to love. Bill Maher warned us.

As usual he felt the need to brag about how big his crowds are, and how CNN never shows this. A point which Cuomo is quick to set straight.

Also, when asked about supporting and even growing the G.I. Bill, Trump never truly answers the question. He just goes on about how much he loves the vets and how many of them are friends now. A point in which some vets would disagree.

Trump later goes on to explain how bad the Clintons are for signing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Cuomo is quick to point out that Bush Sr. signed the bill and that Republicans out-voted Democrats in passing it.

No matter whose side you’re on, it can be said that both sides had an almost equal role in the passing of NAFTA. As usual though, Trump’s tunnel-vision is on full display.

In the end, it’s amazing that a man that has such an openly disgusting track-record with women can be throwing stones.