The name Andy Hallinan may not ring any bells, but his past actions probably will:

  • Hallinan banned all Muslims from his gun store in 2015
  • Earlier this year, Hallinan posted a photo of himself defacing a Bernie Sanders bumper stickers on a woman’s car

In other words, Hallinan is a massive douchebag who delights in being as big of an obnoxious asshat as possible.

Now Hallinan is back in the news because he’s decided to sell some new targets on a website called Here’s the targets fellow redneck morons and other assorted ammosexual lowlifes can purchase for just $4.99:


It’s instructive to note that when he declared his gun store a “Muslim-free” zone in 2015, Hallinan told the media:

“I have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all patriots in my community, and so effective immediately, I’m declaring Florida Gun Supply as a Muslim-free zone. I will not arm and train those who wish to do harm to my fellow patriots.”

Yeah, as if he’s not doing enough harm by merely continuing to spread his hatred and intolerance of anyone different from him.

Andy Hallinan is the kind of person who makes this country a laughingstock in much of the world. And he’s also the kind of brainless jerkweed who no doubt wholeheartedly supports Donald Trump and his noxious pronouncements about how he plans to “make America great again.”

As I’ve said on numerous occasions, America is already great. Now if we could only ship the knuckle draggers like Andy Hallinan to Antarctica or some other place where we never have to see them again, we’d be well on our way to achieving something close to perfection.

Here’s Hallinan talking about his “Muslim-free zone” with a CNN host:

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