It seems as if the Trump University scandal will not go away, and Hillary Clinton is seizing the moment. It’s been reported by The Hill that:

“Hillary Clinton’s campaign is keeping Trump under fire for his embattled Trump University, releasing a parody ad for the venture Saturday.”

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Now once you see the ad, it really brings home the type of person you are dealing with in Trump. The very first lines of the video state:

“Donald Trump is world famous for making a fortune from being famous for having a fortune.”

Immediately after, the video tells you that you can make a fortune also if you just follow three easy steps. Step one tells you to:

“Sign up at Trump University.”

Step two:

“Pay for Trump University at the amazing price of everything you have!”

Step three:

“There is no step three. You won’t actually learn anything. It’s that easy!”

Image via Video

Throughout the video there are quotes and clips of people and magazines speaking ill of Trump University. One example from the New York Magazine on May 31 says:

“Trump University told recruiters to target single parents with hungry kids.”

Perhaps the most sobering statement comes towards the end when the video says:

“Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance to give your hard-earned money to an alleged billionaire.”

If this was approved by Clinton, I would say she hit the nail on the head. So the least we could do for Clinton, and Democrats period, is not give our hard-earned votes to a greedy slime-ball.