A brave rancher in Eagle Point, Oregon helped thwart a bike thief at a local Walmart. Witnesses say a man was trying to steal a bicycle, so this rancher just lassoed him. The thief was arrested and identified as 23-year-old Victorino Sanchez.

The talented rancher, Robert Borba, who caught this bike thief was there with his horse, Long John, in a trailer. Borba chased after Sanchez on horseback and lassoed him. He held Sanchez down until the police arrived.

Twenty-eight-year-old Borba was loading up dog food and camping supplies into his truck. It sounds like something out of an old Western movie, but it was real.

Borba said:

“I seen this fella trying to get up to speed on a bicycle. I wasn’t going to catch him on foot. I just don’t run very fast…I use a rope every day, that’s how I make my living. If it catches cattle pretty good, it catches a bandit pretty good.”

Sgt. Darin May of the police said this about the incident:

“We’ve never had anyone lassoed and held until we got there. That’s a first for me.”

Another police officer, Chris Adams, said:

“When we arrived, there was a large crowd standing around a younger gentleman who was on the ground, the rope around his ankle, hanging on to a tree.”

Borba has just recently moved to town, Adams said:

“…it appears he will be a good fit. Eagle Point is a small city, and people watch out for each other. That’s exactly what he did.”

David Stepp was sitting in a car in the parking lot when he saw the incident. He said:

“I was laughing too hard to intervene. I’ve seen it all, but I’ve never seen anything like that in my entire life.”

Stepp said that he would love to buy Borba a drink.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.