Actor Jeff Bridges, best know for playing “The Dude” in The Big Lebowski, has given his opinion of Donald Trump (R-N.Y). He said:

“I don’t dig Trump or follow what he has to say, but I find it fascinating that he’s surfaced in the political arena.”

He is excited about the possibility of a woman president. He said:

“They perhaps have a stronger capacity for caring than males. I know that in the Native American societies, women were really in charge. The women chose the chiefs. It’s taken us a long time to come around and see the light on that score.”

This is not the first time that Bridges has been associated with politics. In the 2014 mid-term elections, there was a petition circulating to have Bridges run for a Congressional seat in Montana, where he has owned a home for 40 years. The petition said:

“Jeff is a great person. He has loved Montana and all it represents since he first set up residence in Park County four decades ago. He has great name recognition! Charisma! Brains!  He’s internationally reknowned [sic], but he is also highly accessible. We need The Dude to be Montana’s next U.S. Senator!”

Also, if you have not seen The Big Lebowski, please do so.

Bridges is not the only celebrity to come out against The Donald. The Telegraph has given us a collection of celebrity Trump haters.

My favorite author, Stephen King had this to say about Trump:

“That anyone in America would even CONSIDER voting for this rabid coyote leaves me speechless.Say, here’s an idea! Let’s turn America’s nukes over to a bad-tempered asshole with no knowledge of foreign policy. What could go wrong?”

Stephen Hawking, the renowned physicist, said that Trump is:

“…A demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”  

When asked to explain why Trump has gotten so popular, Hawking simply said, “I can’t.”

It’s bad when one of the brightest men on the planet is speechless. Think about it, people. President Trump would signal the apocalypse.

Watch this video to see Jeff Bridges talk about Trump:

Featured Image: Screenshots Of Woochit Entertainment Video Via YouTube.