A gay couple in Chester County, Pennsylvania woke up one June last year to find their garage vandalized. Keith David and David Ruth live there with their two children who are Ruth’s nephews.

Someone spray-painted “Get out fags” on the garage door.

They were taking their two sons, ages 8 and 13, to summer camp. They said:

 “I put the garage doors up. Thank God I saw it and was able to.”

Luckily, they were able to hide that from their kids, at least for a short time.

They have also had their fence broken up, and their security system were destroyed five times.

A judge ruled in their favor, allowing them to have the swimming pool that they had been previously denied. They have blown through their life savings fighting this lawsuit against their neighbors.

The neighbors keep insisting that the lawsuit was over a fence they didn’t like, but it was more than that. This is textbook homophobia.

The judge said:

“There is no doubt that once Mr. Davis’ sexual orientation was discovered, the tenor of the neighborhood interactions changed.”

One of their neighbors, a plaintiff in the case, admitted that he would stand outside and yell anti-gay slurs at his neighbors.

The couple wrote this on their GoFundMe page:

“Sadly, this lawsuit has costs us our entire life savings, and even now after winning our case we may still have no choice but to leave our home behind.”

Davis has lost some clients from his business because he had to be home dealing with these problems. Davis has a business selling electronic medical information system.

Ruth said this about the life they were trying to build there:

“The whole plan was to get a better house with room for us and the kids, and then be able to get married and finalize the adoption, and it held up all of that, which is heartbreaking.”

This is so sad to see. This couple doesn’t deserve the hate.

Here is a news video from Pennsylvania legalizing same-sex marriage two years ago:

Image via the couple’s GoFundMe.