An Ohio police officer is in the hospital because he was fed a glass-filled sandwich. He took a few bites of the sandwich, then he started bleeding from the mouth. He went to the Lincoln Cafe in east Columbus.

The Columbus Officer. Quoc Nguyen, Nguyen spent a night in the hospital and he was released today. The police said that they do not believe the glass was put there intentionally.

This leaves the huge question of how those glass shards got into the food.

This is what one summary of the incident said:

“Police say the officer bit into the sandwich and felt what was a grisly texture as well as a crunching sound. When he looked into the sandwich, he saw the glass. When he checked his mouth, he saw it was bleeding.”

The police inspected the food that the officer ate. They didn’t find any glass shards in the sandwich, but there were some broken dishes in the drying rack in the kitchen. Some of the other plates in the restaurant had chips in them.

The restaurant was temporarily shut down while the police investigated it. Columbus Public Health is investigating the restaurant for violations.

A manager at the restaurant, Leon Lewis, said:

“We have a good customer base. The Columbus Police Department supports my business so there are no issues. The Columbus Police Department works well with our business.”

There have not been any criminal charges filed. The police are not treating this as a criminal investigation.

I really hope that this was not done deliberately. No one – cop or not – deserves that kind of treatment. That man didn’t deserve to bite into pieces of glass when he was just trying to enjoy his lunch break.

Here is a news clip about the story:

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