WATCH: Michael Moore To Bill Maher: ‘I Think Trump Is Gonna Win’

Bill Maher’s Live Republican National Convention (RNC) Special Edition on July 20 featured filmmaker Michael Moore, journalist Dan Savage, TV-host Joy Reid, and author Tony Schwartz as guests.

Michael Moore
Image via YouTube screengrab.

The episode started with Maher recapping the convention, with Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech being the biggest controversy:

“She stole a speech about her parents teaching her values.”

Yes, looking at it from that viewpoint does makes her claim more absurd. Maher hilariously continued with:

“Confirming what Donald has always said, ‘immigrants steal.’ I mean, I hate to generalize but Slovenia is not sending us it’s best people.”

Maher did question why this made the biggest headlines and asked if anyone had absorbed what was being discussed at the convention. He said:

“They’re against health insurance and for coal mining. I want them to steal more ideas from Michelle Obama.”

Maher joked that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow said in regards to the lineup of speakers such as Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Mike Pence, and Newt Gingrich:

“Guys, you’re working too hard. I’m already a lesbian.”

Soon, Maher went on to introduce his “gay, black, communist panel,” Savage, Reid, and Moore.

All conventions are about tearing down the other side to a certain extent, but what was the guests’ impression of the first three days of the RNC this year?

One of the first topics was to describe the hate. Ben Carson said Hillary Clinton is taking orders from Lucifer, and Chris Christie orchestrated the audience to chant “guilty, guilty, guilty.” Michael Moore’s pragmatic comment on the hate was:

“It might have sounded crazy to us, but to millions and million of Americans, this was music to their ears…I think Trump is gonna win.”

Another topic was the media’s praise of Trump’s children, the logic being that since he successfully managed to bring up good kids, he can’t be that bad of a person. Savage objected by saying:

“If it’s about electing the person who raised those good kids, we should be voting for their nannies, whoever they were.”

A third topic was Melania Trump’s plagiarised speech again, in the context of how it would have been received if they were an African-American family. Especially with all of the mistakes and the decadent lifestyle of her and Trump. Reid said about Melania and the speech writing team:

“They had one job. They failed to do that. They lied about it for three days. None of this could be done by an African-American presidential candidate.”

Watch the full half hour segment with Bill Maher and his guests discussing the 2016 Republican National Convention here: