President Obama pisses off the conservatives in so many ways. He’s been an effective leader who helped dig us out of the Great Recession, he is beloved around the world, and he did it all while daring to be a black man living in the White House.

And on top of that, the dude is funny.

Obama loves to laugh, he loves to poke fun at himself, and he’s got great comedic timing. I’m going to miss all the clips we’ve been gifted through the Obama years, from White House Correspondents’ Dinners to appearances on late night television.

I’ve rounded up some of the funniest Obama moments in one nice little space for you. Enjoy, and try not to think about how much you’re going to miss this guy

1. Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis

To start off with a bang, I give you Obama’s appearance on Between Two Ferns. As many of you may remember, the Obamacare website had a few glitches when it was first rolled out. Obama went on the webseries to attempt to woo young people into signing up, and his deadpan delivery coupled with Galifianakis’ awkward style made for a hilarious episode.


2. State of the Union Address, 2015

It’s not often that the State of the Union speech makes you laugh out loud. Obama’s address in January, 2015, was not intended to be funny, but his quick timing made for an applause- and laughter-worthy moment. When he said something about having no more campaigns to run and received applause from the right side of the aisle, he let loose a zinger that brought the Democrats to their feet.

3. The 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

2011 was the height of “birtherism,” led by none other than the current GOP nominee, Orange Voldemort Donald Trump. Obama led with his “official birth video,” followed that with a note to Fox News that it was actually a joke (just in case), then wrapped things up with a roast of Trump. Classic Obama.

4. With Keegan Michael-Key As “Luther, the Anger Translator”

While most of this isn’t actually delivered by Obama, the fact that he kept a completely straight face throughout this bit is part of its comic genius. Key showed up in character at the 2015 White House Correspondents’ Dinner and told the world what Obama really wants to say. Ah, back in the days when we thought Jeb would be the GOP nominee.

5. Obama Takes Over For Stephen Colbert

Obama showed up at The Colbert Report back in 2014 to plug Obamacare and took over the hosting duties to deliver “The Decree” (like “The Word,” but more presidential, you see). He made fun of the Republicans’ efforts to overturn the ACA, but didn’t shy away from poking fun at himself.

6. Obama Slow Jams the News … Again.

Four years ago, Obama went on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and appeared on Fallon’s “Slow Jam the News” segment. You can view that older segment here, but he showed up AGAIN to summarize his accomplishments in a new slow jam for 2016. And you’re right, Mr. President – Orange is NOT the new black.

7. Obama, A Selfie Stick, and #ThanksObama

This video, produced by Buzzfeed, was called “Things Everybody Does But Doesn’t Talk About,” made conservative blowhards huff and puff in consternation, but people loved it. Here we see Obama playing with a selfie stick and doodling a picture of his wife. Like we all do when nobody’s looking.

8. Obama And Jerry Seinfeld on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Here, in a single video, we have Obama talking about his underwear, his love for nachos, and his love for swearing. Seinfeld opened the seventh season of his webseries by tapping at the Oval Office window and taking Obama for a ride.

9. Obama Makes Dad Jokes

I feel it is my duty as a parent to include this one. The annual Turkey Pardon is a pretty silly tradition, and you can tell that teenage Sasha and Malia would really rather be anywhere else than standing there while their dad pardons a turkey. So what does he do? He cracks a dad joke.

10. Couch Commander

I saved my personal favorite of this bunch for last. As part of his final White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Obama teamed up with none other than Former Speaker of the House, John Boehner, to make this short video about what one does after leaving office. It is, in a word, brilliant.

Featured image is an Official White House Photo by Pete Souza.