A long time Republican, Jeb Bush advisor is leaving the GOP. She took the time annihilate the Republican nominee, Donald Trump before she left.

Sally Bradshaw is the one who wrote the report about what went wrong in the 2012 election. She said that she will vote Clinton if the election gets close. For her, the comments about Khizr Khan were the last straw. She is referring to the epic speech Mr. Khan gave at the Democratic National Convention last week. Donald Trump proceeded to criticize this brave man; he even called Mr. Khan a traitor. Trump also criticized Mrs. Khan for not speaking, and she hit him with this:

“Donald Trump has asked why I did not speak at the Democratic convention. He said he would like to hear from me. Here is my answer to Donald Trump: Because without saying a thing, all the world, all America, felt my pain. I am a Gold Star mother. Whoever saw me felt me in their heart.”

Sally Bradshaw said this in her letter:

“As much as I don’t want another four years of  Obama’s policies, I can’t look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump. I can’t tell them to love their neighbor and treat others the way they wanted to be treated, and then vote for Donald Trump. I won’t do it.”

She continued:

“But we are at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist — a misogynist — a bigot. This is a time when country has to take priority over political parties. Donald Trump cannot be elected president. Donald Trump belittled a woman who gave birth to a son who died fighting for the United States. If anything, that reinforced my decision to become an independent voter.”

It’s great to see a Republican with some sense. I hope more of them will join Mrs. Bradshaw.

Here is a news clip of the story:

Featured image a screengrab from video.