Trump supporters are once again trying to win the social media game, but this time, they’ve switched tactics. They’ve decided to stop hammering Hillary Clinton, the most qualified candidate to be president. Now they’re going after the only thing they think matters to voters: sex appeal.
That’s right, Trump supporters have mounted a sex appeal campaign for the man that once said this:
“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of [expletive].”
He also remarked on the supposed love he gets from all women, even professional women, in his book How to Get Rich:
“All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”
And now that blowhard known as Donald Trump is getting what he’s always wanted — young women half-dressed and showing support for him. They even wear the hat he had made.
I hope they didn’t pay for the Trump swag because he’s going to lose in November. He’s going to lose hugely.
The Sick PR Campaign Trump Supporters Are Using To Smear Democrats
Trump supporters are getting a kick out of showing off how attractive conservative women are when put in contrast with liberal women. They’ve even taken to comparing women from both parties, always using attractive headshots for conservative politicians and pundits.
It’s just one of the many ways that young Trump supporters are trying to get their message about how much they love their candidate.
It’d be sweet if it wasn’t so creepy and irresponsible.
They even came up with this snazzy little infographic:

Donald Trump got in on it too. I’m sure you guys remember this precious picture of Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump:
"@Don_Vito_08: "A picture is worth a thousand words" @realDonaldTrump #LyingTed #NeverCruz @MELANIATRUMP"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2016
A reality-show celebrity who’s famous for being provocative also had this to say about the difference between liberal and conservative women:
There’s also this, where our current badass FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, is compared to Melania Trump. It’s obvious that the artist is biased, isn’t it?
Make The First Lady Great Again! #DemsInPhilly
Art By @GrrrGraphics
— Makada ?? (@_Makada_) July 26, 2016
And this is just scratching the surface of the campaign that aims to cast Donald Trump in the limelight surrounded by thousands of gorgeous women supporting him.
But there are a few problems with it.
The #BabesForTrump Hashtag has Two Serious Problems
Let me point the most glaring problem out to you. Here are just a few of the Twitter photos you can find under this hashtag, all with women supporting Trump:
Take me back CostaRica #babesfortrump #trump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpPence16 #republican #trumpgirlsbreakthein
— Heather Hawley (@HeatherHawley86) August 4, 2016
Here’s the Instagram page for the #BabesForTrump hashtag. Are you surprised? I’m not. The Huffington Post reported a while back that the account had been taken down, but as of right now, it’s still up and gaining followers.
So, do you see anything in common? I’ll give you a minute to figure it out.
You probably have come to the same conclusion by now that most of the women who pose for this sex appeal campaign are young, white, and blonde.
That’s great for marketing — or in this case, preaching — to your audience, but not so great when you’re trying to reach a wider demographic. Remember, adults from the ages of 21 can vote in this election, and this campaign is squarely aimed at, well, at young Trump supporters.
I guess they didn’t think this through.
White people isn’t a demographic that Trump is going to necessarily lose, although I’m pretty sure he’ll do something to alienate them at some point.
But right now, the new McClatchy-Marist survey says that the Republican candidate polls at 9% among millennial voters. That means that Trump has 9% support among voters between the ages of 18-29. That’s right, 9%. Single digits.
In case you’re wondering, Hillary Clinton is polling at 41% among the same group of voters in the survey. I guess all her talk about policies and, you know, actionable plans, has made a difference.
There’s also another problem. The creators behind this campaign are four male college students. I have no idea why this is, so I have to ask:
If there are so many women Trump supporters, then why didn’t they come up with the hashtag themselves?
Can Sex Appeal Win This Election?
Excuse me while I giggle as I tell you that no, you cannot win a presidential election based on sex appeal. More specifically, you will not win the 2016 Presidential Election with sex appeal.
It’s not like Donald Trump is suddenly going to turn into a hot, strong gentleman who’s charming. He’s the same orange-faced, racist, sexist man he’s been for years. A hundred gorgeous women half-dressed isn’t going to help that.
I’m sorry, ladies, but Babes For Trump isn’t going to put that sad sack of a salesman in the Oval Office. There’s no room for a rookie to play pretend as President.
The truth about this sex appeal campaign is that it’s not about Trump, although the people behind will tell you it is. It’s not about politics, it’s not about making anything great again, it’s not even about talking about moving the country forward.
It’s just a way for young Trump supporters to piggyback off a failed campaign in order to make a name for themselves. They’re just hoping that Trump will hold on long enough to get something more than Instagram and Twitter fame off before he fails.
Most of these young women who are posing for this hashtag will not vote. They probably don’t know what Trump’s policies are.
These women Trump supporters aren’t politics-savvy. They’re social media-savvy. They’re running this game for fame. It’s not about the election at all because let’s face it:
If Trump loses, these women still have their looks, and they’re not going to be all that concerned about politics after November.
Hear more about #BabesForTrump in the video below:
Image is a YouTube screengrab.