We were all absolutely stunned at Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s horrible remark this week. The Donald actually called on “Second Amendment people” to take care of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton when she tries to nominate a new liberal Supreme Court justice.
He said this at a rally in North Carolina:
“By the way, and if she gets the pick—if she gets the pick of her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I dunno.”
The New York Times pointed out:
“At no point in recent American history has the nominee of one of the two major parties even jested about the murder of a rival.”
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that Mrs. Clinton has received death threats.
One of Trump’s advisors, New Hampshire State Representative Al Baldasaro, said this about Clinton:
“…This whole thing disgusts me, Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”
Last month, a Republican delegate from West Virginia called for Hillary Clinton to be lynched. Michael Folk, a Republican delegate, and a (former) United Airlines pilot said that Clinton should be hanged.
He said that she should be hanged because of: “treason, murder, and crimes against the US Constitution.”
I saved the worst one for last. These people made a parade float with Hillary Clinton in a coffin. The tried to enter it in a car show in Buffalo, New York. The monstrosity was being pulled by a 1920s Model T Ford. Obviously, the float was denied.
One resident, Leslie Chilcott, said:
“I had to explain to him that some people are mean. For me, it wasn’t a political stance for this person to have the dummy. It was a living person.”
Here is a picture of the monstrous “float:”
Mudslinging is one thing, but no one deserves a threat against their life. Here is a video about Trump’s “Second Amendment” remarks:
Featured image from Twitter.