What Are The Top 5 Issues For Voters In November? You May Be Surprised

So far in the 2016 campaign, we’ve been focused on personalities. The questions being tossed around run the gamut, but include:

  • Is Donald Trump crazy or just putting on an act?
  • How trustworthy is either candidate?
  • Which candidate is most likely to live up to his or her promises?

But let’s not forget that the election is actually about issues that impact each and every one of us in one way or another. And a new survey from the Huffington Post shows that voters are indeed paying attention. But what they think are the five most pressing issues may come as somewhat of a surprise to you. Here’s the Top 5:

  1. The Economy–45%
  2. Which party nominates Supreme Court justices–30%
  3. Health Care–26%
  4. Immigration–22%
  5. The way things work in Washington–14%

The economy is always the main issue in any election, whether things are going well or not. As the old saying goes, People vote their wallets. Whether or not we admit it, we are all very capitalistic in nature and we worry about finances.

But did you think the Supreme Court would come in second on this poll? I would have guessed national security or terrorism. Take a look at this chart:


Foreign policy is eighth! Eighth, and it comes in behind social issues and gun policies. What does this all mean for the two main political parties? It would seem to bode well for the Democrats, but if indeed people are unhappy with their personal economic situation, it could also steer voters into the arms of the GOP.

Another way of looking at the results from the HuffPost poll might be to realize that while we face many tough problems in the United States, history has proven that working together toward a common goal there is nothing we cannot accomplish. While some on the right may be actively working to pull us apart and divide us into warring factions, I for one have incredible faith in the ability of Americans to see beyond such callous tactics.

No matter where we stand on the issues or the political spectrum, we owe it ourselves and future generations to exercise our right to vote. The election is November 8. Be sure and take part.

Featured Image Via TheJaggedWord