I often wish that I could go back in time. Naturally, I’d like to go back to the days when my children were small. I’d like to bring my Dad back.
More than either of those, though, I’d like to go back to the days when the famous Founding Fathers were around so I could ask them exactly what they were thinking. What did you mean with that awkward Second Amendment? Why did you write the First Amendment?
RawStory reports that yet another angry American man got drunk and went on a raging rant. Luckily for everyone, this one was too drunk to leave the house and he took out his fury on YouTube. Then on his wife.
This idiot’s name is Bryce Cuellar and he lives in Las Vegas. He calls himself a “Christian Warrior.” He made a video wearing a kevlar vest and night vision goggles, and armed with two rifles. He ranted at the government for “trying to take away his First Amendment and Second Amendment rights.”
He vowed that he was going to use his guns the way the Founding Fathers had intended. He promised to kill “gays, faggots, lesbians and satanists.”
See why I’d like to talk with James Madison and the rest of the Founders?
Bryce Cuellar, like so many other angry, armed, frustrated Americans, is using his guns to make himself feel strong. Like a lot of his fellow homophobic bigots, he isn’t the brightest of bulbs.
He didn’t understand that posting his video on YouTube would be a mistake. Naturally, he totally misunderstood the First Amendment, thinking his plans to commit murder were just “freedom of speech.”
It was a mistake. Interpol found the threatening rant and alerted Las Vegas authorities. Cuellar was arrested, charged, and sent for a psychological evaluation.
A look into Cuellar’s background shows a man steeped in conspiracy theories and afraid of just about everything. He questions the government’s role in the Sandy Hook massacre. He believes in the Illuminati and thinks that angels and demons are real.
He beats his wife, according to police. He calls himself a good Christian and honestly believes that by murdering everyone who offends him, he is doing good works.
So here’s the problem, modern America. Some people are not particularly intelligent. They are not well educated. They aren’t financially or socially successful. They become enraged, believing that everyone from the President to the devil is out to get them. They feel more and more desperate to lash out. They use God and the Founding Fathers to justify their violent rage.
This is why we can’t have hundreds of millions of guns out there, just waiting for the next delusional loser to express himself in blood.
Personally, Bryce Cuellar, I am all about taking away your so-called Second Amendment rights.
Featured image via YouTube screengrab.