During a press conference with Morton County North Dakota, Sheriff, Kyle Kirchmeier, stated that Green Party Presidential Candidate, Jill Stein, will face charges for allegedly spray painting the front of a bulldozer.

It’s no secret that the Sheriff has not been on the side of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe at all. From embellishing reports of dangerous activity to ignoring the fact that several people were bitten by security dogs during a protest, including a small child, Kirchmeier is adding fuel to the fire with these new charges.

Jill Stein was recently part of a protest that included 150 to 200 tribe members at one of the construction sites. Several of the protestors attached themselves to equipment while others allegedly spray painted messages on the front of a bulldozer.

Wednesday afternoon the Morton County Police Department issued warrants for Jill Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, for two misdemeanor charges of criminal trespassing and vandalism.

Despite the numerous videos showing protesters riding horses and marching completely unarmed as well as conversing calmly with police officers, Kirchmeier continues to embellish his statements to the public stating:

“At this point … I don’t believe that we need to go in there and have physical altercations with the protesters.”

He continued his report by saying protesters were riding around on horses, masked, with hatchets in their hands, something media, and private video, has yet to capture. Not to mention falsely accusing Native Americans of carrying “hatchets” just may be a little racist.

Kirchmeier also reported that a “few security guards” were at the Saturday protest and were injured by the riots, however, nothing was said about the five people hospitalized for dog bites or maced in the face at close range.

The North Dakota Department of Emergency Services Advisory Committee recently spoke with the chairman of Standing Rock Sioux and came to the mutual agreement that it is imperative that they continue peaceful protests and “dispel rumors.”

It’s hard to dispel rumors when the Sheriff of the town won’t stand up and protect his citizens. There has been no comment, so far, from Jill Stein or her vice presidential running mate, Ajamu Baraka, on these charges.

This was the protest that happened on Saturday when bulldozers took out Native American burial sites.

Let’s see if you can spot the hatchets and masks…Bet you can’t.

Featured Image Via Star Tribune