9/11 Footage Shows The Strong, Passionate Woman Who Will Be Our Next POTUS (TWEETS/VIDEO)

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This Sunday will be the 15th anniversary of the gruesome 9/11 attacks that changed our lives forever. Hillary Clinton was a Senator for New York at the time.

The next day, she stood with first responders and said:

“This attack on New York is an attack on America, it’s an attack on every American.”

Richard Alles, a firefighter at the time, said he was struck by Clinton’s compassion. She pursued health treatment for first responders who were exposed to the toxic air. Dick Cheney just looked at the TV with a blank face.

Lauren Manning, a survivor who was burned on 83 percent of her body, recalled Clinton coming to visit her in her hospital room. Manning said:

“She was kind and gentle, and she very specifically said to me that she was here for me and that she would remain at my side.”

Clinton fought for the victims and the responders after the attacks.

Where was Trump during this? He was actually in his Manhattan apartment watching it happen from less than a mile away. He said:

“I have a window in my apartment that specifically was aimed at the World Trade Center, because of the beauty of the whole downtown Manhattan. And I watched as people jumped, and I watched the second plane come in.”

Trump also claims that he saw a footage of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11. These have since been discredited.

Now, Trump is trying to act all tough by saying that he could’ve prevented 9/11 if he had been in office at the time.

He said:

“I would’ve been tougher on terrorism. Bin Laden would’ve been caught a long time ago, before he was ultimately caught, prior to the downing of the World Trade Center.”

Hillary Clinton is going to be at Ground Zero (the site of the attacks) on the anniversary on Sunday to pay her respects. All of the presidential candidates have decided to suspend all campaign activities for the day.

Here is a news interview with Clinton on that day:

Featured image via Twitter.

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