Trump’s Bluster Immortalized Forever Where It Belongs – In A Smartphone Game (VIDEO)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his impracticality have divided national opinion on whether or not he makes an appropriate presidential candidate. One way in which few can overlook the effectiveness of his outlandish behavior, however, is as an over the top video game character.

His penchant for ridiculous statements and off the wall narcissism seems to lend itself perfectly to a preposterous video game story line.

Trump Translates Well To Two Dimensions

New Zealand-based designers Oddboy, in conjunction with app developers AppArcanum, were thinking along similar lines. They designed their new smartphone game, Jrump, to satirize the ridiculousness of the Republican presidential candidate.

The thing is, they didn’t have to do much in the way of retooling to make him fit right into a dystopian video game setting. Just one look at the trailer, and you can see how well Trump’s rhetoric melds into the madcap world they’ve created.

The game starts sometime in 2017. America burns as now President Trump delivers a speech, addressing the people of Earth about his many accomplishments. He’s obviously been doing a “tremendous” job as President.

He’s finally closed the borders. Winter no longer exists thanks to global warming, or, as he proudly puts it, “global winning.” In his eyes, he’s fixed all of the world’s problems, so it’s time to take the next logical step.

Make The Galaxy Great Again

Trump needs to get to space so that he can make the galaxy “great” again. This is where the “game” part of the equation comes into play.

He needs the player to help him ascend to the cosmos. How? By jumping on his “favorite thing in the world.”

That’s right, brick walls that propel him higher and higher into the heavens. Along the way he has to tangle with aliens (both the extra-terrestrial and sombrero wearing variety), and do battle with so-called “losers” in the form of jetpack wielding characters like Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama, and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

It all seems surreal and bizarre, but oddly fitting for one as cartoonish as Trump. Apparently, what he lacks in substance and cogent policies he more than makes up for in smartphone app entertainment value.

You can check out the trailer here:

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