This weekend’s terrorist attack in New York injured 29 people and set people all over the country on edge. The New York bombing, the bombing near a Marine Corps charity in New Jersey, and a stabbing attack at a mall in Minnesota all occurred on the same day.
Add into that the rising homicide rates causing alarm in Chicago, and other major cities, and it’s clear the people of America have a lot to be worried about right now.

What we need in our next president is someone we can trust to keep us informed and set our minds at ease. Let’s see how our current presidential candidates do with this task.
These are Hillary Clinton’s comments about the New York bombing:
“I have been briefed about the bombings in New York and New Jersey and the attack in Minnesota. Obviously we need to do everything we can to support our first responders, also to pray for the victims. We have to let this investigation unfold. We have been in touch with various officials, including the mayor’s office in New York, to learn what they are discovering as they conduct this investigation. And I will have more to say about it when we have some facts.”
And these are Donald Trump’s comments:
“Just before I got off the plane, a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows exactly what’s going on.”
Clinton’s comments are well-informed and thorough. She waits for all the facts before making a statement. She sounds like a leader.
Trump, on the other hand, actually admits he has no idea what’s going on.
He made the comment about a bomb going off before anyone actually confirmed that a bomb was the source of the explosion. These kinds of remarks are doing nothing to keep the people calm and informed.
Imagine if Trump was the president right now, and that was his official comment on the situation. At best, Americans are uninformed, at worst, he causes a mass panic.
Now let’s look at both candidates responses to another terrorist attack, the Pulse nightclub shooting. These are Clinton’s comments:
“This is a terrible, personal tragedy for all of them as well as a real shock and tragedy for our country. So many people are still waiting to hear what happened to their loved ones who are unaccounted for. So I think we need to keep our focus there as well as our thoughts with the first responders who risked their lives and performed incredibly bravely in Orlando. And even as we figure out more about what happened, we need to get to work. This was a terrorist attack. ISIS appears to be claiming credit for it. At a minimum, they seem to have inspired it. I have a plan to defend our country from the, so called, lone wolves and to work with our allies to dismantle the global networks that fuel this kind of radicalization.”
And here is Trump’s response:
“Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!”
At best, Trump is unpresidential in his responses to tragedy, and at worst, he’s too busy patting himself on the back to say anything useful. Absolutely disgusting.
Watch Clinton and Trump respond very differently to the same news and make up your own mind:
Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.