Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been accused by his opponents of lying. This should come as no surprise, given that such accusations often come along with important national elections.

It’s a completely different kettle of fish, though, when the bankruptcy lawyers who have actually worked directly with the man also accuse him of lying.

RawStory reports that the lawyers who helped Donald Trump with his many bankruptcy filings were so uncomfortable with the many lies told by their client that they decided they should never meet with him alone.


In other words, without another lawyer there as a witness, they were afraid that Trump would simply deny having ever said what they actually heard him say.

Does this sound at all familiar?

We can go back a couple of weeks to the first big presidential debate, where Donald Trump denied ever saying that the climate crisis is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese. He claimed that he never said it, even though there is Twitter and video evidence of him saying exactly that.

The man has no qualms about lying on national television, denying statements that we can see he has definitely said. Can you imagine how much of a liar he would be after a one to one meeting with a bankruptcy lawyer?

George Miller was one of the lawyers who helped Trump with some of his many bankruptcy filings. He explained how uncomfortable he and his colleagues were with Trump’s constant lies. He said:

“It’s always been our practice to make sure that two people are present, and we don’t have a problem with people lying […] We tried to [meet in pairs] with Donald always if we could because Donald says certain things and then has a lack of memory.”

Yeah. A “lack of memory.”  Or maybe a “lack of honesty or basic integrity.”

Either way, this whole story goes a long way toward explaining exactly why we have to keep this lying sack of potatoes out of the White House.

Featured image by Donkey Hotey via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Generic 2.0 License.