BREAKING: Mike Pence Issues Statement On Trump Tapes — And It’s NOT Good

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is once again under fire after a video from 2005 has surfaced. In it Trump is heard making disgusting sexist comments about women.

Finally, someone in Trump’s camp is taking a stand against Trump’s behavior instead of calling it genius. Indiana governor and Republican vice presidential running mate Mike Pence has said he is offended by Trump’s comments about women and cannot defend them.

In a statement Pence released on Saturday, he says this about Trump’s actions:

“I am grateful that he has expressed remorse and apologized to the American people. We pray for his family and look forward to the opportunity he has to show what is in his heart when he goes before the nation tomorrow night.”

Good luck with that.

In another daring move for a team Trump member, Pence has opted out of filling in for Trump at a campaign event in Wisconsin over the weekend. Pence explains it this way:

“As a husband and father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump in the eleven-year-old video released yesterday. I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them.”

Finally a Trump supporter who makes some sense. Although, Pence makes the point that the video is 11 years old, it hardly absolves Trump as just spewing silly, immature locker room talk. Trump was nearly 60 years old at the time.

In a late-night, videotaped apology Trump tried to recover. On Friday, the Washington Post published the lewd Trump tapes bragging about grabbing and kissing women saying he got away with it because he was famous.

In his late-night taped apology Trump says this:

“I’ve never pretended to be a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this decade-old video is one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.”

Gee whiz, we finally heard an apology from Trump, but he’s made it conditional.

Anyone who knows him knows these words are not reflective of who he is. After what we’ve seen of Trump during this campaign it’s impossible for us not to think this is exactly who he is.

Here is Mike Pence giving a speech just hours after the most recent story broke about Trump’s vile sexist behavior:

Featured image from YouTube video.


R.M. Robbins is a freelance writer and digital journalist in the New York area. She's always interested in interviewing someone with a good story. She owes Liberal America a great big Thank You for allowing her to write and advocate for Hillary Clinton in this historic 2016 season. Reach her at: [email protected] Visit her online portfolio at: