OK, let’s just say this and get it out of the way since it’s so darn obvious: Donald Trump has lost what little bit of a mind he once had. He is now accusing Hillary Clinton of using drugs to prepare for the last debate even though he’s the one that did all the sniffing at the first two.

Speaking today in New Hampshire, Trump said:

“Athletes, they make them take a drug test, right. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate.

“Why don’t we do that? We should take a drug test, prior, because I don’t know what’s going on with her, but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end it was like, ‘Oh, take me down.'”

Of course, Trump didn’t specify what he might be referring to or why he would accuse Clinton of such a thing, but again, has he not heard himself sniffing right into the microphone at the other debates? Because the rest of us sure as hell noticed it. There was no way you couldn’t!

Not long after Trump spoke, Twitter got hold of his comments and took him down in perfect social media style:




Clearly, Trump is projecting because he knows he has a cocaine/meth/Adderall/(insert drug of choice) habit and thinks that everyone else must, too. Keep in mind this assclown is awake at 3 in the damn morning when the rest of us are asleep like we should be. Does that suggest drug use to anyone? Or is he simply so far out of his mind that he cannot sleep and has become a zombie? Either way, be afraid. Be very afraid.


Featured Image Via YouTube Screengrab