Hillary Clinton’s emails have revealed some not-so-nice things about Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

According to the Washington Post, a string of emails showed officials at the Democratic National Committee plotting to undermine the senator by accusing him of being an atheist.

Sanders isn’t surprised by the crude emails. He says it’s just political talk:

“Trust me, if they went into our emails — I suppose which may happen, who knows — I’m sure there would be statements that would be less than flattering about, you know, the Clinton staff. That’s what happens in campaigns.”

Just like any campaign, politicians will fight tooth and nail to get to the top. The number one priority is to beat the competition. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, especially in the world of politics.

Sanders also admitted the Clinton campaign has been a lot more organized than his own campaign was:

“The way they work is very, very different than the way we work. We did not have a committee deciding what kind of jokes I would be telling. In fact, we usually had me scrambling to write my speech on a yellow piece of paper, which I finished three minutes before I would go up there. So, you know, they were much more prepared and much better organized and careful about what they were saying or not saying. … The way they do politics is very different.”

This isn’t the first time Democrats have pushed aside their differences to support one another. During the 2008 election, Clinton and President Barack Obama battled for the Democratic nomination. I’m sure Clinton’s emails weren’t that fond of Obama and vice versa.

The WikiLeaks “Hillary Clinton Email Archive” houses more than 30,300 published emails and that number continues to grow.

Many people, including Clinton herself, believe Clinton’s email hack was a ploy by Russian President Vladimir Putin for his support of Donald Trump.

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