George Takei Invited To Thanksgiving At The Baldwins’ To Referee Trump Feud (TWEETS/VIDEO)

This has been one of the craziest election seasons in our lifetimes. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is saying incredibly disgusting and insulting things just about every day. It has caused major angst and arguments among many families.

A famous family, the Baldwins, has been arguing about the candidates on Twitter. The youngest brother, Stephen Baldwin, supports Trump, and he had a heated Twitter exchange with his brother, Billy.

Star Trek actor George Takei, retweeted the exchange:

Billy Baldwin weighed in again when he said:

Their older brother, Alec Baldwin, has played Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live for several sketches now. Alec did such a good job, that it drew the attention of whiny baby Trump, who said:

“Watched ‘Saturday Night Live’ hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!”

Stephen Baldwin also weighed in on his older brother’s Trump impression when he said:

“Well, he’s got the voice down very wellI. I think it’s getting a little too nasty right now. I don’t think it’s very funny. I don’t think there’s anything funny about this election. I think it’s very serious.[sic]”

Stephen Baldwin is definitely an ardent Trump supporter. He posts lots of tweets supporting the Oompa Loompa for president.

Billy tweeted some other jabs at his Trump-supporting brother over the last few weeks. They are just now going viral because Stephen is new to Twitter. Here are some other gems from Billy:

Yesterday, Billy tweeted this:

Alec talked about Trump’s supporters during one of his Trump spoofs when he said:

“She can brag about her resume, but I’m the one who has got all the heavy hitters supporting me. I’ve got the cream of the crop. I’ve got Sarah Palin. I’ve got Chachi. And get this, I’ve even got the best Baldwin brother — Stephen Baldwin.” 

Hopefully, the family can make up at some point.

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

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