Is today’s crop of Right-wingers nothing more than the end result of a devious GOP experiment?
Trump supporters: (Theory)
A petri dish of diseased bipedal bigots living out lives they believe are their own — but are in fact ones completely orchestrated by conservative think tanks, political spin doctors, and billionaire puppet masters.
It’s a wild hypothesis I know. But hold on, don’t skip ahead just yet… You MUST watch this soul-wrenching video first.
Trigger Warning: These grotesque excuses for human beings are so completely vile, it may be an impossible ask that you find even an ounce of compassion for these hatriots. However, the reasoning behind this glimpse of such a sad reality may help you better understand how such ugliness can manifest today on such a grand scale. You see, stupidity, bigotry, xenophobia, hatred, and willful ignorance are quite possibly the result of an engineered social media disease spreading like a virus through our TVs, radios, and the Internet. (cue spooky music now)
Seriously — stop before reading further and watch the video first:
Well, that was disturbing, huh?
What did you expect? Oh wait…you probably assumed, as I did, that in this day and age with technology literally right at our fingertips, this kind of willful ignorance would not be possible. How can some people be so angry, so mean, so stupid and uninformed, when not only are most Americans kind and good, but answers and information to almost anything you could possibly want to know are just a Siri ask or Google search away?
Just so we’re clear, this is what most Trump events are like. This is not unique — makes you wonder just how violent things will get when a white supremacist becomes president?
How can this kind of vitriolic ignorance still be possible in America?
Easy! Because this deplorable climate where so many hate-based malcontent miscreants know nothing, nor care to, is a tornado frenzied lab-tested tempest conjured into action by those who own the Right.
The floodgates of gutter politics have finally been flung wide open. Education is proudly eschewed, science is in exile, and respectful discourse has all but drowned. Seems the storm drains of democracy are completely backed up from all the shit said and done by Trump.
As we wade knee-deep through the sewage of “he said / she said,” it’s hard not to ponder how such a fertile breeding ground for bigotry, blustering blowhards and blame-gaming became so contaminated.
Pundits flailing in the wind, focus groups tossed out the window, this election season has been so completely brain-bendingly turbulent, we’ve all become somewhat traumatized tracking the trajectory of this storm. Yet the cyclonic clown car built of unshackled chaos, corrosive racism, and faux-Christianity is still sweeping furiously across the political plains of humanity.
Do you believe the dumbing down of America is an accident?
Of course, it’s not!
It’s absolutely intentional, meticulously cultivated, deviously planned, and brilliantly executed by those who are so desperate for power, they decided to do the unthinkable — take away the ability for you to think for yourself.
This was set in motion by way of a psychological pathogen. A penetrating psyop which breaks through the brain barrier of those with certain preconditions: fear, anger, jealousy, and hopelessness.
This is the aftermath, the finished product of a regressive ideological contagion. One that was purposefully created in a laboratory, and has now been unleashed upon masses of malleable minions — mainly uneducated White males.
What you just saw in the video is a glimpse of the GOP’s very own living petri dish — a dark and calculated experiment which is now in full bloom. Spores of these bipedal fungi have come to fruition. Ripe for the picking, this low hanging fruit has bred, spread and multiplied.
Due to this sickness, ignorance is not just intentional; hate isn’t now just craved; fear is not just addictive; they are all highly contagious.
The delivery system with which this pathogen is spread should be obvious. It’s through parasites like Trump, Fox News, conservative hate radio, Christian Conservatives, the NRA, and the endless supply of power-hungry GOP politicians spewing venom from the stump.
Surveying past voting records, this epidemic has fully infiltrated local populations where the sown seeds of conservatism have spread like weeds. These already weakened terrains have allowed the contagion to fully take root and flourish unnoticed under the dark cover of Red voting blocks, evangelical strongholds, swampland of the Confederate South, and rural White communities decimated by local Republican legislatures.
Now emboldened, feverishly fueled by the dramatic far Right swing the party has taken of late, this disease is spreading across the land in a mushroom cloud of chaos, charring millions of minds along the way as it attempts to reach critical mass.
This sickness strengthens and spreads the same way a terrorist group comes into power — by terrifying its citizens into believing the lie, and then giving them a reason to lash out and loathe.
It feeds off your hate, it gets drunk off your anger.
Its demands on you are to see the worst in people who you’ve been taught to fear.
This conservative carcinogen attaches itself onto the neural underpinnings of the “fear center” in your brain, keeping you constantly terrified of the improbable or highly unlikely, and furious at those who have what you believe should be yours.
Simultaneously it excites your thoughts of violence, jealousy, xenophobic retaliation, and nationalistic sequestration.
It hungers for you to “get even.”
It basks in glutinous glory, hidden so deep is the shadows of your usurped mind, you believe its thoughts are your own.
It synthesizes the pleasure you derive surrendering to your thirst for darkness.
Its nourishment comes from you embracing your demons. Like when you witness with gleeful contentment, someone you loathe subjugated, or the elation you feel when a person’s lifestyle you covet becomes the victim of intimidation, bullying, or even tragedy.
Or maybe it’s more cerebral?
The mass hallucinogenic daydreams of Donald’s feverish fan-base as they freebase the bile coming out of his mouth.
Your most common hive-mind desire? It’s her in prison of course: “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!” Ring any bells? You can thank Pavlov for that one. Ding, ding, ding….
You see, these are the delicious morsels of immorality that feeds this madness in your mind.
Have you noticed how hungry for war Republicans are again?
Look how angry this Fox News watching swath of society has become. Watch how Trump’s rabid supporters, in a state of frenzy, cheer wildly as fellow Americans are beaten to a pulp.
These are the virulent contagious carriers of conservatism which have been carefully cultivated to get high off going low.
Pay attention to how vitriolic violence-laden speeches from GOP warmongers stir up their base. It’s relentless and it’s ruthless, this disease of ideological warfare, and it has one goal: make you it’s willing slave.
It feeds off you like a parasite, but you won’t find it under a microscope.
It only lives in your mind, but don’t be fooled into thinking it’s not real. Inside there, it’s more than alive. A manufactured pathogen that takes control of your brain, imprints upon your frontal cortex but leaves no makers behind?
It’s genius is it not? And so ultimately devious in its darkness.
This ghost in the machine is traceable, however, through the symptoms the infected outwardly display. If you are looking for examples, just go to any Conservative Facebook page or Donald Trump’s Twitter account. There you will see firsthand how virulent and embedded this procreating pandemic has become.
These social media portals are where one goes for their fix. Those doorways are dealers where the currency of fear is sold by the sentence, in exchange for the drug these addicts now love.
It’s a nasty narcotic, and we call it Loathe.
This cocktail of lies, gun fanaticism, and contempt are mixed, stirred, and shaken into shot glasses of hate. It’s chased with the customary thrills of false flags and conspiracy, then finished off with injections of racial intolerance. This balance of bigotry and White Trash sanctimony are carefully calculated to feed your addiction. Just enough to keep you obedient, not so much that you rise up en masse.
At its base, it’s a virtual terrorist attack. It captures your desire to think for yourself.
In real life, this monstrous microbe behaves much like ISIS. Both destroy, convert from the inside out, use religion as weapons, and create fear which weakens the system — thus making its targets all the more susceptible to propagandized tactics of manipulation.
We also have a name for our sickness, not ISIS but ChrISIS. For our local insurgent terrorizes White Christian minds.
The difference is subtle but equally hideous. Instead of lopping off your head with a machete or dull hunting knife, this conservative contagion just sucks your brains right out until all that’s Left of you is the radicalized Right. A zombified pawn-puppet lacking free will — that’s the horror you’d become.
A fate crueler than death? Imagine the pain those poor souls must feel screaming from inside, desperate to be heard, as the person you once were gets ripped apart — nerve by neuron by dendrite.
And you slowly disappear.
So how did this happen, who could create such a weapon?
Long ago in dark wood-paneled rooms, depressive dank places filled with cigar smoke and decay, the men who held power converged out of fear.
These emergency meetings comprised the lowest common denominator of the worst in mankind: lawyers, lobby groups, politicians, and billionaires — for they all mutually had the darkest of visions. It was of us on the Left. And it was their worst nightmare.
We replaced fear with compassion, lack with opportunity, disregard with empathy, and most importantly…we shined the light of love so bright it could disinfect the furthest reaches of a willing mind.
These panicked puppet masters saw the people waking up, and that terrified them down to the core. For there is no power which can maintain its hold over the repressed when the invisible bars that keep them captive are lit from above dissolved by love.
So this fractured fraternity of far Right fundamentalists with all the money, influence, access, and means, formed an unholy union with the GOP. This greedy marriage of poison and filth gave birth to the spores of the very first fungus.
It was deliciously devious, indiscriminately cruel, yet so simple in structure, it was almost alive. But it needed an incubator, a lab so to speak. So these toxic newlyweds funded insidious institutions, like Heritage Foundation, ALEC, American Enterprise Institute, and Freedom Institute.
The instructions were simple: create with this beast — or by any means possible — a large swath of people formed from this fungus, an army of angry bipedal pawns, who would forever keep those under this unscrupulous umbrella in power forever.
And what could be better than an invisible engine of evil which eviscerates empathy and steals one’s free will? A parasitic pill engineered to perfection — a social media malaise which maintains the madness. A strain that gains strength from its host when he’s heated, metastasizing love into nothing but meanness.
And now here we are all these decades down the road.
The spore from the fungus has spread far and wide; it has grown morphed and multiplied and it is now on the rise. Is it a calloused contagion, a virtual virus, or maybe nothing more than a bigot breeding bacterium?
Some out there say it’s a backstabbing pundit’s pathogen, other will swear a panic-seeking parasite. It’s a sickness that’s for sure, you can call it what you want. You might even choose not to believe it at all. But in its own right, it’s way more than real — the cancer of conservatism, taking over your mind.
While this fantastical story you just read is part sci-fi for sure, there is some real science behind this tall tale.
It’s’s quite simple: People who feel threatened REACT using primitive brain responses. Keep someone constantly in a state of FEAR, and you can prevent them from using any of their higher brain functions like LOGIC. That’s how the Right maintains its hold over those whose lives would benefit greatly should only they chose to vote BLUE.
But that’s no easy task when what we’re fighting against are right-wing inner driven narratives as absolutes:
“Black people are violent, they are going to kill us, and steal our daughters. They are breeding us White people into extinction.”
“Liberals are destroying the America we love. They hate God, and they won’t rest until Christianity is a crime. They want welfare for all, and will outlaw capitalism.”
“Gay people are perverts, abominations, and unnatural. They will convert our children, and destroy the sanctity of marriage.”
“Illegals are full of disease, they are rapists. Drug dealing thugs are too lazy to work, but will still steal all our jobs.”
“The President is the anti-Christ, a Gay Muslim, and a traitor. He has terrorist ties, and will take all our guns.”
“Hillary the next one is so much worse. She’ll be Obama’s third term, and we’ll never recover. She will appoint far Left justices to the Supreme Court, and have drive-thru abortion clinics on every street corner.”
“ISIS is coming — so is Sharia Law. All Muslims are terrorists. we are all already doomed.”
All of those statements are LIES. You know it, and deep down everyone knows it. Even “they” do.
It’s propaganda, and it’s ugly. It pulls us down to our basest nature. But that’s exactly why this virtual virus is so magnificently wicked in its effectiveness. It wields its dark magic on the willfully ignorant.
It’s addictive being told constantly your beliefs are 100 percent correct. Even when everything you believe is absolutely wrong.
What is the cure for this invisible disease? It’s actually very simple, and costs you nothing.
Turn off Fox News!
See? I told you it was simple, I never said it would be easy.
That’s because most Right-wing Conservatives are completely addicted to this entertainment channel disguised as news. Remember…that was the plan. That’s why you vote against your own best interests.
You are why the GOP puppet masters are still in power. While you are still accountable, it’s true that much of your anger, fear, envy, racism, xenophobia, and nationalism has been amped up to ‘roid rage levels because of the brainwashing and propagandizing techniques utilized by Fox News.
This cycle is the sickness. It’s used to isolate and indoctrinate viewers. Like I said, this virtual virus is deliberate and terrifyingly effective. This propaganda pathogen thrives off of fear-based sexism, homophobia, and dogmatic intolerance toward anyone who is not a straight, White and Christian.
But if you truly want your mind to be your own again, not allowing Fox News to shape your narrative is a good first step.
You may also want to also consider getting off Facebook and Twitter.
Note: Obviously I realize almost no one on the Right, much less a Trump supporter, will ever take this advice or article seriously. My guess is very few Conservatives will ever have the opportunity to even read it. That’s their loss, however, I was trying to save their minds.
Featured image via Pixabay.