Progressive Nomad: Kiss Your Health And The Bees Goodbye Under Trump

President-elect Donald Trump not only doomed our climate change initiatives when he appointed climate-denier Myron Ebell to lead the transition of the EPA, but he also ensured our food would no longer be safe to consume, and the bee population will be completely extinct.

Ebell is currently the Director of the Center for Energy and the Competitive Enterprise Institute where websites like are used to severely downplay the ecological and physical effects of chemicals like neonicotinoids.

This hard to say chemical has been slowly being studied by the EPA and has been determined as one of the major killers of the bee population. It has also been highly researched and protested due to it’s possible adverse effects on humans. The chemical is sprayed by farmers to keep the bugs and disease away from crops but is also soaked into the soil and then presented at the dinner table when we cook our food.

Getting even more dangerous is the chemical atrazine which has been shown to affect the reproductive, developmental and neurological function in humans and animals. In fact, the findings are so stout that the chemical has been outlawed in Europe.

The EPA has also been doing a study on this since the chemical is coming up in streams and rivers next to farms and is changing the sex of frogs. However, labels the chemical as low on the danger scale.

Ebell’s organizations and his people are all out to make a buck as seen when the Washington Post took a look at their donor list which included some of the biggest names in coal and petroleum. These people toss all scientific facts out the window and are willing to put our lives and our planet in imminent danger so they can stuff their pockets.

We, as a country of people with rights, need to stand up to these organizations and to the government and tell them this is unacceptable and we can not feed this to ourselves and
our children. Take a stand for change and take a stand against climate change.

Featured Image Via Waking Times

I am a 30 something writer passionate about politics, the environment, human rights and pretty much everything that effects our everyday life. To stay on top of the topics I discuss, like and follow me at and .