Trump Built A HATEFUL Wall And Guess Who Was Left To Foot The Bill

After President-elect Donald Trump had built a large wall along the perimeter of his golf-course in northeastern Scotland, blocking the ocean view of the residents that refused to sell their homes to him, he sent the residents the bill.

After being threatened with legal action because President-elect Trump stated that the corner of their garage was on his property, David and Moira Milne came out one day to find Trump’s employees building a fence around their garden. That wasn’t the end of it, though, next went the row of tall trees blocking their view, and then after their water and electricity lines were temporarily cut, they received a bill in the mail for $3500.

Naturally, David Milne deposited the bill in its proper location, the trash can. Speaking of Trump’s racist plan to build a wall on the border of Mexico, Milne stated:

“You watch, Mexico won’t pay either.”

The Milnes now make sure to fly their Mexican flag anytime Trump is rumored to be visiting the establishment. But these residents aren’t the only ones who faced this scrutiny; Michael Forbes has a 15-foot wall surrounding his property, and The Donald called him a “disgrace” and “disgusting.” Forbes’ answer was to not only fly the Mexican flag but to proudly fly the “Hillary For President,” flag as well.

The walls weren’t the only blow Trump’s golf course gave to Scotland. After spitting his usual disgraceful rhetoric to the locals he convinced them to allow him to build on their environmentally protected beach in return for thousands of jobs, a boosted economy due to tourism, and an investment of over a billion dollars.

When all the chips had fallen Trump had secured just under a hundred jobs, invested only fifty million into the project, and after obtaining a national golf tour, lost it when his dangerous and hateful rhetoric emerged during his campaign trail. So all in all the golf course cost these residents more than just their view of the ocean.

Trump’s empty promises and financial disaster in Scotland can, unfortunately, be signs of what we can expect to see from the next four years in this country from the next elected President.

Featured Image Via New York Times

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