Prepare yourselves kids; this rant is not for the faint of heart. Lots of venom, finger pointing, and rude sexual commentary — with a wall-spattering spray of science to glue it all together.

First of all, while I am no doctor, many people with autistic children who are better equipped to recognize the signs believe Barron could very well be on the spectrum. Sadly, it’s likely his father, Donald ‘tiny stump’ Trump, will never admit if his son is living with a possible disability. That could mean this beautiful child may never have access to professionals who can truly help him have a happy, productive, and normal life.

This is NOT Barron’s fault either. Quite tragic actually, if you really think about. That’s why it matters.

In reality, Trump should have known better thinking his shriveled raisins could still manufacture “tadpoles” that would bear unbruised fruit at his age. That’s the problem with unchecked egos fertilized in self-righteousness, racism, bigotry, and bile… They create algae blooms of decimation and decay, suffocating everything downstream.

The fact is, the greatest risk of mental health disorders are seen in children of fathers aged 50 or older. Wasn’t Trump like 60 when he knocked up Melania?

Come on, how fracked up was Trump’s putrid sperm when he inseminated his used up (allegedly) 90s call girl of a wife? As disgusting as it is to think about the then 60-year-old geriatric — a dried-out hateful husk dribbling out some prehistoric sludge from his “micro member” which probably only pops to attention thanks to a vacuum-enabled penile pump — is something we must discuss.

Science has proven autism spectrum disorders are exponentially more prevalent in children born from the corroded Telomerase-weakened sperm of geriatrics. Didn’t Donald know how unsafe and selfish is was to spawn another being when he was already an old man?

study in Nature also found that it’s not just the rates of Autism which rise sharply in the babies of older dads. The chances of passing on schizophrenia increase dramatically as well.

Obviously we can’t just pound on Trump here; that would be cruel and unfair to our President-elect, would it not? Let’s not let Melania off the hook that easily. Her ovaries may have been pretty banged up too from her alleged past career. Could that have done a number on the quality of her eggs? The jury is still out on that one. But my guess is no. (but I said it anyway)

However, when an old man spawns with a woman at least 11 years younger than him, the links to autism increase by 42 percent. She should have done more research.

What also merits discussion? The power of attraction.

If a child is not conceived in love, but is instead brought about through a swirl of anxiety, disgust, and obligatory surrender, who knows what kind of negative energy transference such a grotesque act might have animated?

Let’s pray for Barron. He’s completely innocent in all this. But it’s our duty as Americans to make sure this unfortunate situation gets the attention it deserves. Why? So Barron’s parents are forced to get their child the help he needs, instead of hiding him, imprisoned, withering away in some cold gold-gilded impenetrable palace.

Now wouldn’t it be awful of me to end this article on such a dark note? Yes, it would. How ’bout we finish with Dr. Sherkow’s TEDx Talk helping parents and therapists understand and cope with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

It’s very illuminating:

Featured image via Flickr by hepingting, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.