There is a petition that has caught ground and is in reference to New Yorkers not wanting to foot the bill to have Melania live in Trump Tower instead of the White House.

This petition is aimed at Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio after President-elect Donald Trump, and his wife announced that Melania would stay in Trump Tower with their son Barron in order for him to continue his education.

After a little research, it was realized that it would cost the city of New York nearly one million dollars per day to keep the Trump’s safe and secure inside of Trump Tower, which is something the citizens of New York are not very happy to be putting their taxes towards.

Even Trump has come out and said that he wouldn’t be staying at the White House on a permanent basis so he can travel around and play golf at many of his luxury golf courses. The petition stated:

“This petition is to request Gov. Cuomo and Mayor Bill De Blasio refuse the cost President-Elect Donald Trump is requesting so his wife can remain in New York.

The New York taxpayers refuse to pay over $1 million a day so she can stay. If this decision has been made, between the two of them they should be the ones to pay for it. Not New York taxpayer dollars that could be used on roads, schools, transit, sanitation, new jobs and other expenses that the city has.

This is what tax dollars should be used for, improvements for the city and all the people of the city, not just one.”

So for eight years conservatives made a huge deal about the Obama vacations and President Obama playing golf, but now they are okay with a President who doesn’t even want to be in the White House.

I wonder how they will feel when they are watching their streets and schools fall apart while their tax money is going to an unnecessary security protection for their President’s pretentious wife.

The petition has over 44,000 signatures at this point and continues to grow by the hour.

Featured Image Via Celebitchy