2016 In Review: 10 Of Donald Trump’s Dumbest Tweets (TWEETS/VIDEO)

For the last year-and-a-half, we have been talking about the many things that our now President-elect has said. He has insulted and alienated pretty much every minority. His favorite medium is Twitter, so I’m giving you 10 of Trump’s dumbest tweets from the last year:

1. First Tweet Of The Year

He started the year off tweeting this ridiculous graphic. It looks like it was made in MS Paint. We’re guessing that these are crowd shots from when they crammed all his ‘crowds’ together in one part of the stadium to make it look like more people showed up than actually did.

2. Oh no! He’s Butthurt At President Obama

Trump was upset because Obama said “In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue.” The fact that he took it as a personal dig shows off his narcissistic side in a big way. His response didn’t even make sense. Does Trump think ignorance is a virtue? We loved this tweet because it kind of proved Obama’s point perfectly.

3. The Pervert Doth Protest Too Much?

Trump insulted women during his entire campaign. He is a sexist misogynist, but he was pivoting away from his own perversion and getting in digs at President Bill Clinton. It is an obvious attempt at misdirection since Bill Clinton was not running for president.

4. Trumpy Doesn’t Like CNN

Of course, he put the dot in front, so everyone would see it. No, the vast majority DOESN’T like you dumbass. He did this a lot as well. Every time a news outlet put out something against him, he called them liars or biased. This included just about every media outlet except Faux News.

5. Trump On ISIS

The reality TV star knows about ISIS? I don’t think so. He also thinks President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton founded ISIS. What about your reality TV star career prepared you to fight ISIS, Trump?

6. *Cough* Bullsh*t! *Cough*

Donald Trump thinks he is some kind of military genius. Well, he has met with many world leaders… Miss Argentina, Miss Venezuela, and many more.

7. The Wall

He has been talking about our southern border during the entire campaign. His followers ate up his promises to build a wall on the southern border. Funny, he promised he would get Mexico to pay for it, but he choked when he finally went to Mexico.

8. He Doesn’t Know Anything About Taxes

Of course, he does. He has avoided taxes for the last 18 years. I’m sure he knows some tax codes, but I don’t think he’s the only one who can fix it.

9. No, He Didn’t Call Megyn Kelly That Thing He Called Her

What is he, 12? That is ridiculous! You called her a bimbo when you refused to call her a bimbo. He whined about the way she treated him during the Republican debates. She actually asked him tough questions, and Trumplethinskin couldn’t take it.

10. They’re Biased

Any press outlet who doesn’t like him gets labelled “biased” or “failing.” He referred to The New York Times as the “failing” New York Times during the entire campaign.

Featured image via Twitter

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com