A new study shows that women who are denied an abortion face heavier consequences to their mental health than those who are able to go through with the procedure. This research flies in the face of an underlying belief of anti-choice laws that often requires pre-procedure psychological counseling — the idea that women will suffer severe, long-term mental health concerns if they have an abortion.
The study was published in JAMA Psychiatry and observed 956 women over a five-year period. The data shows that women who were turned away from abortion clinics were more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and lower life satisfaction than those who had an abortion.
Many states with strict anti-choice laws require women to go through pre-procedure psychological counseling. Often, that counseling includes information on the “serious psychological effects” that an abortion can cause. This study shows that the psychological impact is much worse if a woman wants an abortion and is denied.
Dr. Diana Greene Foster, one of the researchers involved in the study, spoke with The Cut about the findings:
“At the time we started, there was a lot of debate and very little data about the actual mental-health consequences from abortion. There was a public dialogue that abortion hurt women, but not much evidence, and even the best of studies didn’t have a comparison group.”
Foster continues by summing up what she hopes her study can accomplish:
“So much of our debate is ideology with no factual reference to real women’s experiences. What this study does is give an objective look at what real women making this decision and living their lives experience.”
If anything, this study certainly supports the idea that women should have the right to make health care decisions regarding their own body, rather than bend to the whim of someone making decisions for them.
Many states will most likely feel emboldened to create even more restrictive anti-choice laws with a GOP-controlled government. Recently, Ohio has been making headlines with laws that would make getting an abortion nearly impossible.
Our President-elect, Donald Trump, claimed on the campaign trail that women deserve to be punished for getting an abortion. He later backtracked on that statement, as he frequently does.
Featured Image via Flickr user Dave Fayram / CC License 2.0