During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump often said he would implement what he called “extreme vetting” when it comes to immigrants from Muslim nations. As with most things promised by Trump, there were no specifics, just a catchy slogan devoid of any substance.

On Wednesday, GOP Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn was asked by CNN host Brianna Keilar exactly what changes Trump would be proposed when it comes to vetting refugees from countries such as Syria in light of the recent terror attack in Berlin. Rather than give a response, Blackburn decided to lie and say that many refugees are “not vetted” at all.

A few minutes later, Blackburn then made the ridiculous assertion that there’s simply no way of keeping track of immigrants once they enter the United States. Keilar countered by reminding Blackburn numerous government agencies track those who come into the country.

Next, Blackburn stacked one lie atop another, telling Keilar that refugees are slipping into the United States unvetted, but when Keilar pressed for specific examples, the Tennessee Congresswoman said the host would have to talk to case workers and visit refugee centers. Keilar, tired of Blackburn’s lies, responded:

“But that’s not my question! That’s not my question!”

Seeking to elicit some kind of logical reply from Blackburn, Keilar asked what exactly would change in the way of vetting refugees that isn’t currently in place. As you would expect, Blackburn failed to provide anything but lots of double-talk and nonsense.

Donald Trump and the GOP have no new ideas or plans for anything. They only have slogans and lies. Before they’re finished, this country will be less secure and less free.


Featured Image Via CNN Screengrab