Fox host Tucker Carlson got a hell of a lot more than he bargained for when he invited Teen Vogue writer Lauren Duca on his show Friday evening to discuss Ivanka Trump.

The back-and-forth began when Carlson decided to call Duca out for a tweet she sent out shortly after Ivanka had been confronted on a Jet Blue flight by a man who let her know he was no fan of her father, Donald. Here’s what Duca tweeted:

I have to admit that’s a very fair commentary and I agree with Duca completely. But Carlson said Ivanka should never be confronted in such a manner while her children are present. And he also whined about Duca saying that Trump’s daughter has a “sinister complicity” in the hateful, racist agenda being promoted by her father. When Duca attempted to respond, Carlson would cut her off, until finally Duca dropped a major truth bomb on Carlson, telling him:

“You’re actually being a partisan hack that’s just attacking me ad nauseam and not allowing me to speak.”

His feelings hurt, Carlson then tried to make personal attacks on Duca, even going so far as to toss out this bit of venom:

“Teen Vogue, which I guess you write for.”

Kinda like we guess you actually get paid by Fox News for being a braying jackass of a dillhole, Tucker.

Finally, Carlson again attempted to demean Duca’s job by remarking that she writes about topics such as Ariana Grande and thigh-high boots:

“You should stick to the thigh-high boots. You’re better at that.”

Rather than allow Duca to respond, Carlson quickly ended the segment so he could get the last word. But a few minutes later Duca drew blood with this:

Good for you, Lauren! Never ever let a Fox News asshat try to demean you. You’re a hell of a lot more relevant and truthful than Tucker Carlson has ever been or ever will be.

Watch Duca getting the better of Carlson:

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