Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is not going quietly into that good night. He may have failed in his attempt to win the Presidency, but he isn’t about to fade away.

The irascible Independent Senator has not backed away from any of his core positions since the election. If anything, it seems that he has gained a sense of urgency since the Donald Trump won the White House.

Senator Sanders continues to advocate for income equality. He continues to push for free public higher education.

Senator Sanders has been a supporter of a single payer, so-called “Medicare for all” health insurance system for years. He continues to support that idea, even as the Republicans who now control the government are working to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as fast as they can possible manage to do it.

As we move toward the inauguration of our nation’s most improbable President, Senator Sanders is once again in the lead in organizing resistance to the incoming administration.

Sanders spoke to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow about a planned protest in Washington, D.C.  He said:

“On January 15, for the first time in the modern history of the Democratic Party, Democrats are going to be organizing rallies all across this country in opposition to the Republican budget, which calls for throwing 30 million people off of health care, taking their insurance away… privatizing Medicare, making massive cuts in Medicaid, and at the same time giving tax breaks to the wealthy.”

The Republican party now has control of the nation’s purse strings. This is a scary situation for a man like Bernie Sanders, who has made an entire career out of opposing the capitalist corporatocracy.

January 15 has been named the “Day of Resistance.” Bernie Sanders and his allies are hoping to unify Democrats in Congress and are asking them to do what they can mobilize their constituents to fight against Republican plans to defund Planned Parenthood, repeal the ACA, cut taxes for the rich and privatize Medicare.

I don’t know about you, but I am both encouraged and moved to see that Senator Sanders intends to stay in the public eye. He plans to be one of the voices of reason who will oppose Donald Trump and his administration.

I definitely still feel the Bern.

Featured image via YouTube Screengrab.