Several tech companies are responding to President Donald Trump’s travel ban, with figureheads in Silicon Valley allegedly penning a letter to urge his administration to be aware of the ban’s ramifications. In the draft, the letter reportedly notes that the tech companies welcome Trump’s administration and how the “Department of Homeland Security will implement the executive order.” The companies cosigning the letter allegedly include Apple, Google, Twitter, and Facebook.

Donald Trump’s Travel Ban Explained

Enacted on January 27, President Trump’s executive order suspended Syrian refugee programs for 120 days and imposed a 90-day travel ban on people entering the US from Somalia, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen. This executive order was quickly met with protests since many who have lived here for years and have contributed to American society suddenly found themselves stranded in airports and foreign countries. Vigilant protesters rushed many airports throughout the nation as soon as the order was announced.

On February 3, a federal judge countered this ban, establishing a temporary block. This caused President Trump to lash out at the judge with a flurry of tweets.

Letter Emphasizes the Importance of Contribution from Immigrants

In the letter, the tech companies state that they are willing to help the administration “identify other opportunities” to make sure that their employees can travel safely and freely without delay. Concerns about the executive order blocking opportunities and the companies’ ability to grow have also been mentioned.

Even though immigrants only make 13 percent of the population, they make up 16 percent of the overall labor force. Many of them are also business owners, with immigrants even having a higher propensity to own small businesses compared to workers born in the United States. They make an important part of tech companies and beyond. But will Trump’s team ever realize this?

Featured image from YouTube video.