Chances are you’ve never heard of filmmaker Ami Horowitz, but he’s the person responsible for the report which aired on Tucker Carlson’s show and later wound up being referenced by Donald Trump during a rally in Florida when he alleged a terrorist attack had taken place in Sweden the day before.
Now two Swedish police officers who were interviewed by Horowitz are accusing him of selectively editing their remarks to make it appear that their country has been swamped with a wave of violence committed by immigrants.
Anders Göranzon and Jacob Ekström told the Swedish publication that Horowitz as a “madman,” and Göranzon added:
“He has edited the answers. We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism.”
In his report, Horowitz claimed that Muslim immigrants have forced Swedish law enforcement officials to designate certain parts of the country as “no-go zones” that they are too afraid to enter.
The two officers, however, say Horowitz asked them about the difficulties of being policemen in high-crime areas. They allege that Horowitz never once asked them anything specifically about Muslim refugees. Göranzon told
“The excerpt they showed doesn’t say anything, we answered a different question. We don’t stand behind what he says. He is a madman.”
In December of 2016, Horowitz told right-wing website Breitbart he had been beaten in one of the Swedish “no-go zones” he also referenced in the report that aired on Fox News, commenting:
“Before the words can come out of my mouth, trying to explain what I’m doing there, the five guys jump on top of me. They were punching me, they were choking me, they were kicking me. Normally, when I’ve been in fights before, thank God, I’m not the greatest fighter in the world, within five seconds somebody usually pulls the two apart. And I figured this is a very crowded square. I figured people would have pulled them off me, obviously. And when I noticed that wasn’t happening, I kind of peeked out of – my arms were covering up my head – I peeked out, and I noticed people in the square were pointing. They were laughing. Clearly, nobody was coming to my aid. I knew that if I wanted to get out of this in one piece, I had to get out myself.”
However, Horowitz, who also calls himself a “satirist,” offered no proof of his assertions that he had been beaten while reporting in Sweden. And without proof, that makes his allegation little more than “fake news.” So it’s no wonder the liar-in-chief is so fond of his work.
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