Ivanka Claims She Disagrees With Father In Private But Is ‘Complicit’ In Public (VIDEO)

Ivanka Trump has given an interview with Gayle King on CBS This Morning. She has been made an adviser to her father in the White House and this is her first interview since taking the position. The softly spoken First Daughter answered all of King’s questions including one that asked if she was ‘complicit’ with what was happening in the White House.

She answered:

“If being complicit is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact then I’m complicit.

I don’t know that the critics who may say that of me, if they found themselves in this very unique and unprecedented situation that I am now in, would do any differently than I am doing.

So I hope to make a positive impact. I don’t know what it means to be complicit, but you know, I hope time will prove that I have done a good job and much more importantly that my father’s administration is the success that I know it will be.”

If you are an adviser in the White House shouldn’t you know what complicit means?

Her answer implies President Donald Trump’s presidency is a force for good. Let’s have a look, so far Trump has scrapped climate change research, he is good with coal, he has scrapped meals on wheels and food for poor school children programs. He has attempted to ban immigration from seven different countries. Trump has attempted to throw 22 million people off of healthcare. He wants to drop taxes for the extremely rich.

There have been many many moves from this White House that are far from positive. Being complicit means you are going along with what he is doing, you are complying with these hazardous and damaging policies.

King addressed the many issues like gay rights, women’s rights. Issues where Trump’s administration is causing controversy and asks Ivanka to answer her critics as to where she is on these various issues.

Ivanka answers:

“I’m still my father’s daughter. But I’ll weigh in with my father on the issues I feel strongly about.

I would say not to conflate lack of public denouncement with silence.

 In some case it’s through protest and it’s through going on the nightly news and talking about or denouncing every issue in which you disagree with. Other times it is quietly, and directly, and candidly.”

So where I disagree with my father, he knows it, and I express myself with total candour. Where I agree, I fully lean in and support the agenda and hope that I can be an asset to him and make a positive impact. But I respect the fact that he always listens. It’s how he was in business. It’s how he is as president.

This isn’t about promoting my viewpoints. I wasn’t elected by the American people to be president.”

She is right she was not elected and yet there she is in the White House advising her father on extremely important issues. Her interview implies she disagrees with her father on many things and tells him so privately.

She also says he listens.

Ivanka is very careful to not specify which bits of his policy she agrees with and which she does not. I think the public would very much like to know where she stands on issues, especially now she is officially in the White House.



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