You wouldn’t think it would be possible.

I mean, the hilarity factor alone should have prevented this from ever happening.

But life is a funny old thing, right? You just can’t predict what might happen.

A reality TV star with a fake tan might become President of the United States. Anything is possible.

In that vein, let’s take a look at the Kentucky Coal Mining Museum. Kentucky is known for its history of coal mining. The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum is dedicated to memorializing the long and honorable history of coal mining in the state.

It wants people to come in, look at the exhibits, and feel a sense of pride in what the state accomplished back at a time when this country depended upon coal to provide energy.

Now, of course, times have changed a bit. The earth is getting warmer, the seas are rising, and the human population is learning that it is past time for us to learn how to live without burning fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels like coal, for example.

As technology has improved, it turns out that the burning of fossil fuels isn’t the cheapest way to provide heat and light to buildings.

Go figure.

It now turns out that the Kentucky Coal Museum is turning away from…um…coal.

CNN reports that the Coal Museum will be switching over to solar power. Why, you ask? Why would an organization that aims to glorify coal be converting to solar power?

Why, for the exact same reason that the rest of us should be converting. The communication director of the museum said that the energy conversion, in his words:

will help save at least eight to ten thousand dollars, off the energy costs on this building alone.”

Oh, the irony.

While President Trump continues to promise that coal jobs will be coming back to places like Benham, Kentucky, where the museum is located, those who run the coal museum are fully aware that its days are numbered.

So coal miners in Kentucky can take their kids and grandkids to a coal museum where they can view the exhibits in comfort and under bright lights.

Neither of which is provided by coal.