It appears that Fox News is imploding by the minute, and Sean Hannity is so unnerved by what’s been happening that he’s taken to Twitter and posted some cryptic threats.

As speculation grows that James and Lachlan Murdoch, sons of Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch, are seeking to aim the network into a new, less conservative direction, Hannity sent out some odd postings Sunday evening. Take a look:

It would appear that Sean is getting worried he might be next now that Fox has allowed Greta Van Susteren to leave and fired Bill O’Reilly. Hannity is feeling kinda lonely and afraid because he can tell his pathetic career is slipping away from him.

Fortunately, lots of other Twitter users had the antidote to Hannity’s madness, and they dished it out with a large helping of truth:

Sean sounds a bit rattled, doesn’t he? Couldn’t happen to a more deserving asshole.


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