President Donald Trump just appointed Teresa Manning, an anti-abortion activist, to oversee the nation’s only federal family planning program for low-income people. What is worse is this woman spreads false information about birth control stating things like emergency contraception destroys “a human life already conceived.” She also falsely claims that abortions cause breast cancer.
Manning said this about birth control:
“Of course, contraception doesn’t work. Its efficacy is very low especially when you consider over years, which you know a lot of contraception health advocates want, to start women in their adolescent years when they’re extremely fertile, incidentally. And continue for 10, 20, 30 years, over that span of time the prospect that contraception would always prevent the conception of a child is preposterous.”
Manning’s ultra-conservative background includes being a lobbyist with the National Right to Life Committee and a legislative analyst for the Family Research Council. The Title X program that she will lead serves about 4 million Americans per year.
Senator Patty Murray (Wash.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, stated:
“Trump is stacking his administration with one extreme, anti-abortion activist after another and ignoring the millions of men and women who don’t want to see women’s health and rights go backward.”
“Ms. Manning has repeatedly spread false information about women’s health and advocated for policies that would undermine women’s access to birth control and other essential health care. She is a completely inappropriate choice for this role.”
This move is part of a series of actions by Trump to undermine women and their healthcare. On Thursday, April 13, he signed a bill that would allow states to withhold federal family planning dollars from clinics that provide abortion services.
Contrary to what some people may think, the United States is currently at an all-time low for teen pregnancies, and a 30-year low for unintended pregnancies.
According to the Guttmacher Institute,
“Title X–supported services have greatly benefited women, families and society. In 2014, the contraceptive care delivered by Title X–funded providers helped women avoid 904,000 unintended pregnancies, which would have resulted in 439,000 unplanned births and 326,000 abortions.2 Without the contraceptive care provided by these health centers, the U.S. rates of unintended pregnancy and abortion would have been 33% higher, and the teen pregnancy rate would have been 30% higher.”
The Trump Administration is basically assaulting women and their families. As cited in the statistics above, when you provide contraception, you decrease abortion rates dramatically. It is amazing how much our government can just deny what is common sense.
Then again, we have to remember they deny science!
Perhaps, conservatives don’t actually care about preventing abortions as much as they want women to be second class citizens who obey their husbands, stay fertile, and produce a lot of children. Do we really want to go back to a time when women were treated as commodities?
It is morally reprehensible that we have government officials who call themselves pro-life, but pass healthcare bills that make pregnancy, rape, and domestic violence all preexisting conditions – And now can’t be trusted to help low-income women make good choices supported by science.
It is certainly not pro-the-life of a woman. It sends the message that being a woman is shameful, and that women cannot be trusted to make important choices about having children or their lives in general.
Featured Image By Women’s eNews Via Flickr/CC-By-2.0.